Friday, November 22, 2019

Jaipur, Day 2 (text only)

It has been a long day, filled with adventure, knowledge, and unlimited sunshine. I won’t be posting pictures tonight because I’m exhausted. And I’ll be keeping this entry pretty short. OMG my blog is deteriorating!!

Here’s what we did. After breakfast we got in the bus and stopped at the side of the road to check out the milk vendors. Farmers come from all over to sell their milk in big metal jugs. The way they test the milk to see how creamy it is (to determine price) is by sticking their hand into the mug and letting a few drops fall into their mouth. Abhi asked if any of us wanted to try, and everyone just assumed I would (they know me already!) but I just didn’t want to take a chance. But Paul and Linda from our group did! The farmer, age 70, whose milk they tried owns 12 water buffalos and he milks them all by hand.

After that we spent a good chunk of time at Amber Fort, a castle high above the city. It was beautiful!

Then we went to a handicrafts “mall,” then a place in the Old City called City Palace. The best thing about going there is that a wedding was being set up. As some of you know, Indian weddings are very extravagant! We later learned that this wedding was a small one (700 people!).

Short break in our hotel and we drove to a Hindu temple. Then Abhi split us up into three cars and left us on our own—we all went to have dinner with three different host families, which is something OAT tries to do on every trip. This way you really get to experience the culture and customs of the country in a more intimate way. I went with Paul, Fonda, and Mark to Vijay and Megna’s (spelling?!) house, where they live with Vijay’s parents and V and M’s twin 9-year-olds. Megna prepared a delicious dinner and we had a very interesting discussion.

This blog entry is kind of boring—sorry! Maybe on my 4-hour trip to Rathambore tomorrow, I will be able to write more and get pictures uploaded. Although Abhi has plans to talk about Hinduism, arranged marriages, etc. in more depth during our bus ride. We’ll be going on a 3-hour safari in a tiger preserve after we check in to our next hotel!

1 comment:

  1. I love this!! reminds me of my time there. I went to all the same places. Can't wait until you return and we can talk about this marvelous adventure you are on!! Janet Fauser
