Sunday, November 24, 2019

Catching up with photos (Safari in Ranthambore and Amber, or Amer, Fort)

There are now 62 tigers in this park
but we saw zero. ☹️

Our safari vehicle, bumpiest ride ever
(Abhi is top left; our naturalist guide, Biti, is center.)

After having only seen a variety of deer and
antelope, birds, and a sloth bear, we finally saw these
Langur monkeys, of Jungle Book fame

Love the way they loped!

Definitely dressed for the part.
 It was really dusty! Many of the leaves
and bushes were covered with red sand.

Aravalli Mountain Range in the oark

Posing with my new BFF, who only snarled at me once!
Ganesha, the Hindu god of wisdom,
Success, and good luck

Here I am in the concubines’ chambers

Part of the fort—so much history! Part of the
UNESCO World Heritage .Org

We were discouraged from riding the
elephants because it’s considered
animal abuse. But they’re so magnificent!

Amer Fort courtyard

 View of the fort from below

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