I'm not exactly sure what to write on this last entry of my blog. Part of me doesn't want to write anything at all because that means closing the chapter of my life that just happened and, to be honest, I don't really want to close that chapter.
In my thank you note to Abhi, I wrote that I'd always wanted to go to India but I really wasn't sure why. Now, I told him, I know. But how to describe the reason? Impossible. All I know is that I can't stop thinking about that enchanting, vibrant, colorful, chaotic place. When I bought Christmas ribbon at Michaels, I thought about the workers in the paper factory; when I wandered down the aisles at Mariano's, I thought about the homeless people in Old Delhi; when I breathe in the crisp Chicago air, I think about the smog and haze in so much of northern India; when I drive down clean, cowless streets, I think about the litter and the cows. So many cows ... and dogs ... and vehicles ... and people!
After reading what I just wrote, you're probably thinking that it doesn't make sense that I loved it so much! See? Impossible to describe the reason. The spirit and generosity and kindness and tenacity of the people the temples the weddings the craziness the palaces the villages the wildlife the colors the extremes the artisans the art the contrasts the culture and traditions and history the food ...
I saw a gas station restaurant today on Halsted called Kaybee's Indian Flavor, which kind of made me chuckle, and when I looked it up later, it actually got decent reviews. Who knew?
Even before I went to India, I knew that it would not be my last trip there. Throughout the trip, the people in my group would occasionally ask one another, "Where are you going next? Where's your next trip?" It's fun to consider all the possibilities. And though I would love to see a brand new part of the world (Africa? Patagonia? New Zealand?), there's still that tugging on my heart to go back to India.
Maybe this isn't my last blog entry after all. ☺
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